Tuesday, October 20, 2009

OKU days

haha....for me,when i get period i will call myself as OKU, because my stomach will be dam pain n i don like go shopping at the week that i am OKU. Haih...2day is my OKU day la...is my 1st day become a OKU. actually early the monin i feel not tgh want but when in the afternoon my stomach become so dam pain..since i am still in skull on that time so i cnt slp!!! when i reach home ,i faster took my lunch n go to slp, n feel better now.Haih, y i am a girl??? hate to be gal la...hv to become OKU for every month...yer!!! 2day in skull, i don even talk to jc n tan, i don know y...i jst do my add math work because SPM is around the corner. they look at me like one kind onli without saying anythings to me...haih!!!!


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