Saturday, March 6, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

omg..miss my blog so much!!! long didt write some thing on myblog jor tim..some more h 1 more week is cny already!!so fast one year had pass...don know all my form5 friend how leh?? miss them alots la...between this one year many things had happen n my sis already not that close as last work at kim gary office feel so stress!!!yesterday me n my family members all went to jusco wangsa maju to buy things for long we never go out like this...really feel hapi !!! sunday went out to my primary school friend...u know wat,they all taller den me jor leh...last time i am the tallest but now i am the shortest leh!!!haih..after few more months i will start my college life already...i hope it will be fun...really so many things happen in the last few months,while i also learn alots of lesson fron it...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

i already become a no feeling person..

today suddenly feel want to write somethings on my this month there r so many things had happen..all this things make me become a no feeling person, disapointed, don like to talk much,tired,and cry alots..i already try my best to gv out all the best to her and jst onli hope that she cn spend more time to her familly n siblings..but don matter how much i gv out also, she didt change..everytime when she say she will be back home ,sure i will wait for her then onli i go for sleep,but as time go n i had wait so many times..i started feel like i am so stupid..she didt k of me who wait her to be back and never plan to be back early..may be for her bf is better then her own family...she prefer to stay with her bf more than her family...this gv a feeling like i n her is not like last time any more..she n her bf onli like a hapi family..really tired to wait n think...this feel day i had cry every night before i sleep...may be my world is jst onli stay at home, online and sleep...she hv her own world n that is x belongs to me..she i wont k of her not talk much because if i talk also x one will listen..really really really feel so tired....可能我的存在是多余的!!!没有了我,她会变得更开心。。。

Thursday, November 26, 2009


so fast the SPM is going to finish ,now onli left 3 papers..yesterday add math paper2 so hard leh...and yesterday morning sis told me that she will go to kuantan for work and will be back on u think it is true??? i keep on thinking this question...but i can not find any reasson why sis want lie to i just keep quit and study for my next paper...if she really lie to me, den is ok lo...sure she hv her own reasson up to her paper is akaun leh...scare x enought time to do my paper2 la...but have to face it also la...i want to finish my SPM faster!!! so that i cn work,play and sleep until late...hate to wake up early the morning, but after this 3 paper, i will never wake up early anymore!!!!hahahahahahaha!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

day before SPM

2mrw SPM dam scare leh...2day i woke up early to study my sejarah den the ppl that repair pc want come to my house to repair pc...he repair until 3.00p.m...den i take my lunch v dad...b4 this hate dad so much,but now ok la..but still hv the gape between us., because dad slap me...after lunch i continue my the evening i started to feel so tired..i sit at brother bed n start thinking of my friend n sis...i took my hp n keep on replay the sound record that sis had send to me..don know y..i start crying again....don know y...but i x onli cry o...when sis chat v me in fb i feel more better...dne i took my dinner v dad again, after that i continue my study again..until sis sms n say she x feeling well n miss me so much..i cry again...haih...i told sis i really miss her so much n she say she know...haha!!!2day cry so little onli leh...good already lo, compare to yesterday...haha!! pui yee, dongdong, joey, fan shu zai, u mst be strong la....stop crying...althought it will never happen...

be strong!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

crying day

2day sis going to hong kong...will miss her so much!!!! she send me to skull this first is like normal,but when reach skull sis ask me to do well in my exam n try my bast...i hug sis n cry...early monin already cry..haih!!! 2day is my last perhimpunan in SMKCS when singing skull song, many of us cry...but i tahan lo...after that we hv to "mohon restu" to all the teacher that teach us b4..for that of couse cry want la...although sometimes in class don like the teacher n hate the teacher when she enter our class, but when" mohon restu'...really feel sorry to the teacher...after that we hv talk for the SPM n arrange our table..this year i sit in class leh...after arrange the table teacher went out n we r free..i sit on my place n start thinking of sis n cry...after skull when reach home, i saw sis hv wrote somethings on the white board. she wish me all the best...n i cry for that again..den i open the sound record that sis had send to me...she ask me den cry n try my best to do my SPM exam but don stress myself...haih..i cry fro that also la...because miss sis so much so one understand my night, when i doing revision..i cnt hafal the sejarah fakta, den i sms sis n tell her,but sis didt reply..i feel myself so stupid, n cry for that...2day really cry alots. but i had promise sis not to cry anymore..sry sis, i cnt do that...

Monday, November 9, 2009

will miss u guys so much...

next monday sis go to china lol... want to ask her to buy for me wat leh???? emmmm...clothes, handbag, ....haih...den no one play v me d lo....SPM is on 18, going to die lo...feel so lazy to study...haha..hv 1 things that i feel so hapi is , dad finally let us to buy 1 dog...hehe!!!! wat name that i should gv to the dog leh?? errrr...cnt think leh...yeah, after SPM i will change my hairstyle....2day didt go skull leh...know y?? because i tell dad i am sick cnt go skull...n he believe on me dad is so good...but hv to study d leh...cnt be lazy d...but hor..the things that make me feel sad is, all my friend may loose contact v me leh..miss them so much!!! we so hard onli cn be good to each other n now we r going to " pisah"...but i will not forget the sweet memories when in 5c class..althought sad memories is more that sweet memories, but nvm la...jst let it past...haih...really will miss u guys so much leh....