Friday, October 30, 2009

sis bday..

( present that may gv to sis)
( present that james gv to sis)
( present that brother gv to sis)
( present that i gv to my sis)

yesterday is sis bday ...but she actually don hapi , because her company going to close down but she also found a new job...haha...yesterday monin i gv sis present, but i don feel she like it..haih..nvm la...i also don know actually wat she like...we celebrate her bday at amp square which located at sunway..we bought a peach cream cake, it is low fat want that y sis like it..hehe!!! brother "s gf , may also gv sis a bday present which is a branded bag...yesterday really feel very hapi la, because cn celebrate sis bday v her...n this is also the 1st time i celebrate v her..
haih...yesterday hapi onli lol...but not every day, in skull hv so many problem la...tan keep on asking me to solve my problem with tong. she say i mst say out wat i feel to tong if not we will misunderstanding between each other...but i think i cn lo...once i say out more problem will come, i really don want to create problem lo...and another things that really hurts is jy think that i am doing drama v tong n say i hv (yem mou). i don know y she will think that ,but i jst hope to be friend v her back , althought v cnt be close friend but also don become munsuh lo..since i we hv onbli few week to go..i don know wat she think la...haha..atlist now cn be friend v yee jin, before this i don really like yee jhin because jy. but now i am ok v her...the things that most sad is, i loose my best friend...really hope to become best friend to her but i know it is imposible since she already hv a new best friend...haih..but all the good memories will stick on my mind forever..


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