Monday, November 2, 2009

haih...really donh know wat she want...

2day so tired leh...go martin for seminar, there is so dam pack n full of indian .got chinese there also la, but jst a few of them...2day james send me back..i told him wat had happen on april when i was taking bus to petaling street..he teach me how to protect myself la...den v went for dinner...once i reach home i really feel so dam sleepy but went i realise my fb game, i faster go on laptop n play..haha!!!den suddenly sis come n say to me that i always use laptop n let her use pc. she 1 use laptop for msn bcause hv webcam while pc don hv...i feel very very angry because when i use pc , she keep on telling me that her laptop hv no line..den i let her to use pc because pc line is better den laptop line...n now she scold me that i always use laptop...wat the fuck la...wat she want now??? b4 this she is trying to find 1 nail cutter, she cnt found it n scold me where i put. i say i didt take , she she still showing her face to men scold...until i go find n i get the nail cutter, it is jst the place that v normal put things...she smile n run away..i really feel like..she take me as wat??? things to lepas geram??? i am a human la...y everyone also like that 1!!!!! really don know wat she want actually...


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