Monday, November 16, 2009

crying day

2day sis going to hong kong...will miss her so much!!!! she send me to skull this first is like normal,but when reach skull sis ask me to do well in my exam n try my bast...i hug sis n cry...early monin already cry..haih!!! 2day is my last perhimpunan in SMKCS when singing skull song, many of us cry...but i tahan lo...after that we hv to "mohon restu" to all the teacher that teach us b4..for that of couse cry want la...although sometimes in class don like the teacher n hate the teacher when she enter our class, but when" mohon restu'...really feel sorry to the teacher...after that we hv talk for the SPM n arrange our table..this year i sit in class leh...after arrange the table teacher went out n we r free..i sit on my place n start thinking of sis n cry...after skull when reach home, i saw sis hv wrote somethings on the white board. she wish me all the best...n i cry for that again..den i open the sound record that sis had send to me...she ask me den cry n try my best to do my SPM exam but don stress myself...haih..i cry fro that also la...because miss sis so much so one understand my night, when i doing revision..i cnt hafal the sejarah fakta, den i sms sis n tell her,but sis didt reply..i feel myself so stupid, n cry for that...2day really cry alots. but i had promise sis not to cry anymore..sry sis, i cnt do that...


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