Thursday, November 5, 2009

don know y suddenly feel so sad...

already 2 days didt talk to this 2 days onli i know that i depend on sis so much...2day i hv lost my voice the whole day n i hv fever in the afternoon when i reach home. i feel so tired n jst want to slp, but dad keep on asking me to eat my i ate my lunch n show my face to dad...when eating lunch, dad gv me a fish..this fish make me think back wat had happen before between me n dad...that is the 1st time dad slap me n jst because of i don 1 to eat fish...after eat my lunch i go to fb to play my game...i on the pc n load my roller coaster game, i wrote ( don close my game) in a pics of paper n put it on the pc...den i went to slp..suddenly i hear some noise like someone who cleaning the house..i go downstairs n see who is that...haha!!!that is brother...i go near to the pc n see how is my game..but the screen does not come out anythings...i started to be so angry n want to know wat happen to the i ask brother, but he say he didt did anythings but jst trow the paper that i wrote ( don close my game) this call as busybody??? i restart the pc also ntg is coming out...i feel so angry n go back to my room..once i enter my room i start crying...don know y!!!! actually this few day i really x hapi...i skull i jst force myself not to think all the stuff...i cry n cry den i sms james, i ask him is sis work late 2day?? because i hv things to tell sis n want to hear sis"voice..he ask sis to call me, when sis know i am crying she ask me wat happen...i really don know how to say it i jst say ntg...mayb because spm is around the corner, i feel so emotional n stress...n sis is go to china with james when i am hving spm...haih...cnt tell to anyone wat is my feeling but onli cnt wrote iy in my blog....


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