Tuesday, November 17, 2009

day before SPM

2mrw SPM lo....so dam scare leh...2day i woke up early to study my sejarah den the ppl that repair pc want come to my house to repair pc...he repair until 3.00p.m...den i take my lunch v dad...b4 this hate dad so much,but now ok la..but still hv the gape between us., because dad slap me...after lunch i continue my study...in the evening i started to feel so tired..i sit at brother bed n start thinking of my friend n sis...i took my hp n keep on replay the sound record that sis had send to me..don know y..i start crying again....don know y...but i x onli cry o...when sis chat v me in fb i feel more better...dne i took my dinner v dad again, after that i continue my study again..until sis sms n say she x feeling well n miss me so much..i cry again...haih...i told sis i really miss her so much n she say she know...haha!!!2day cry so little onli leh...good already lo, compare to yesterday...haha!! pui yee, dongdong, joey, fan shu zai, u mst be strong la....stop crying...althought it will never happen...

be strong!!!


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