Thursday, November 26, 2009


so fast the SPM is going to finish ,now onli left 3 papers..yesterday add math paper2 so hard leh...and yesterday morning sis told me that she will go to kuantan for work and will be back on u think it is true??? i keep on thinking this question...but i can not find any reasson why sis want lie to i just keep quit and study for my next paper...if she really lie to me, den is ok lo...sure she hv her own reasson up to her paper is akaun leh...scare x enought time to do my paper2 la...but have to face it also la...i want to finish my SPM faster!!! so that i cn work,play and sleep until late...hate to wake up early the morning, but after this 3 paper, i will never wake up early anymore!!!!hahahahahahaha!!!!


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