Saturday, December 26, 2009

i already become a no feeling person..

today suddenly feel want to write somethings on my this month there r so many things had happen..all this things make me become a no feeling person, disapointed, don like to talk much,tired,and cry alots..i already try my best to gv out all the best to her and jst onli hope that she cn spend more time to her familly n siblings..but don matter how much i gv out also, she didt change..everytime when she say she will be back home ,sure i will wait for her then onli i go for sleep,but as time go n i had wait so many times..i started feel like i am so stupid..she didt k of me who wait her to be back and never plan to be back early..may be for her bf is better then her own family...she prefer to stay with her bf more than her family...this gv a feeling like i n her is not like last time any more..she n her bf onli like a hapi family..really tired to wait n think...this feel day i had cry every night before i sleep...may be my world is jst onli stay at home, online and sleep...she hv her own world n that is x belongs to me..she i wont k of her not talk much because if i talk also x one will listen..really really really feel so tired....可能我的存在是多余的!!!没有了我,她会变得更开心。。。


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